All of the below funeral cover companies South Africa have unique premiums and offers, this means that there will be one firm that will suit your requirements and monthly budget. Rest assure that each and every company below is reliable and want to assist you in every way possible. The best way to know which company is the right one for you and your family, is to get rates and offers, compare it and buy the one you want.
You can follow the links of any of the service providers and it will take you to the page where you can submit all your details on a form. Online research is very fast and you can do it in the comfort of your home or work. It is never to late to get a plan to help your family give you or a loved one a proper burial. From experience, it is save to say, that some people find closure when a loved one is buried respectfully.
You will certainly keep your family from financial worries when you take out a burial plan. It is a fact that even memorials are costly these days and people just cannot afford it anymore. So, make the right choice today and get the necessary protection; for the sake of your family.
Here is a list of the most searched for firms in South Africa:
- Hollard
- Old Mutual
- Sanlam
- Assupol
- Metropolitan
- Clientele
- Avbob
- Shoprite
- Rentmeester
- Nedbank
- Momentum
- Liberty
- Kaizer Chiefs
- Edgars
- Doves
You can visit each one for more information, or simply compare quotes by completing the form at the right hand side of this page.